Now, you've almost certainly already heard of Mentions, particularly if you're active on Social Media (or don't live under a rock). You know, tagging a colleague or friend to a riveting piece of Aphex thought leadership on LinkedIn (or one of our industry-renowned GIFs!).
The ability to draw someone's attention and the public pressure to action a response is something that already exists across many other apps: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Slack...
What mentions mean in Aphex
As your project team grows and scope of work increases, complexity in the plan can increase exponentially. Effective communication in complex, constantly changing environments can be a major challenge for even the best project teams.
To help you with these communication challenges we've levelled-up the tools available to you and your team to communicate around the plan by incorporating Mentions into the existing Comments Thread and Notes Column.
Just @ someone to immediately draw their attention to the content you need them to look at. A clashing interface, some missing key information, a really great joke you've just thought of...completely your call!
Comments aren't just for Facebook!
Comments can be made from a Task or Package's Inspect Panel and are a useful way to generally communicate around work in the plan. Many teams use the thread to further detail performance records that supplement Task Statuses, or to raise attention to where detail is missing in the plan.
Take note of the Notes Column
The Notes Column is another way to communicate around work in the plan, as a Column that can be made visible on print-outs or while navigating the Gantt - this is an ideal place for key top-line information about work, like following up about a pending RFI.
When you mention a colleague, an in-app notification and email are triggered that contain the message and a direct link to the specific Task or Package in the plan - so nothing gets missed! 👌
In a nutshell
Turns out the social media giants know what they're doing. Use mentions in Aphex to tag users to specific information or urgent updates that you need a response on stat! 🚨
Faster communication for your team, with users immediately alerted to Mentions via Notifications & Emails ⚡
Ability to tag, or mention users exists in Notes & Task Comments on Aphex 🔗
If you haven't already - give Mentions a try on your project!
If you have, Plantastic 🚀 How did it go? As always, we're here if you'd like to mention any feedback.